I thought it might be a nice idea to spread our musical wings and explore the possibilities of ukulele and violin. It's not uncommon to encounter an ensemble or duo featuring violin and guitar or...
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To help you weave your way through the often confusing maze of different banjos, I’ll detail some of the key differences and similarities in the following article. Hopefully, it will give you a...
Whether you want to learn and play it yourself, or are buying a 12 string guitar as a gift, many wonder what the best 12 string guitar for beginners is, or even if there is such a thing! Since...
Want to know how easy it is to play the banjo? First, it's worth mentioning that using traditional picking techniques requires a steeper learning curve than the guitar or ukulele, for example. ...
For my latest review, I thought it might be helpful to a lot of new or would-be ukulele players to provide a balanced review of a good entry-level instrument that won't break the bank. Before I...
I could make this the shortest article on record with a resounding 'yes, you need a pick on a uke', but the answer isn't quite as straightforward as that. What I will do, though, is to put the...